Interview—Patrick Miga, Advanced Space Astrodynamics Engineer and Solutions Architect

What is the best part about being an aerospace engineer?
I like the fact that I get to tell people that what I do is actually rocket science!
All jokes aside, the best part can be characterized by a meeting I had with a coworker when we were coming up with an idea for a proposal. We were sitting in a room bouncing ideas off of each other, and one of the elements sought in this proposal was for solutions to push the boundaries of what is possible, which can also be stated plainly as crazy, out-of-this world ideas. We spent about 45 minutes throwing wild sci-fi ideas at each other and then based on this discussion, we spent the next 15 minutes converging these ideas into a singular, cohesive story. Finally, we excitedly arrived at a plan for what our idea for the proposal would be; now we just had to go to our desks and write it out. As I was leaving the room, I turned around and said, “Isn’t it crazy how we get paid to come up with really cool ideas like that?”